Cleaning | Company Management | Maintenance | Survey | Task Management
Component |
Score Breakdown Report |
Issue / Request |
Create a report that will display the score breakdown for each of the responsible group/s as well as the audit's overall score. |
Resolution |
Created the Score Breakdown Report which displays the number of elements checked (available score) and the number of elements passed (achieved score) for each of the rooms in an audit. |
Ref. No. |
S-59807 |
Component |
Cleaning Area Audit Status Report |
Issue / Request |
Client: "...we are interested in getting a report from the cleaning system, that gives us all the functional areas and if an audit has been completed within the timescales set out in the new cleaning standards. i.e was each FR1 area audited within the last 7 days, FR2 in the last month etc. This is to show that we are being compliant with the requirements, but also highlight the areas that are being missed." |
Resolution |
Created a new report called "Cleaning Area Audit Status Report" which displays the following information: Location Id, Location Path, Risk, Last Audit Date, Last Signed Off, Next Due Date, and Status (Not Audited, Compliant, and Overdue). |
Ref. No. |
M-59861 |
Component |
Cleaning - Automated Report Triggers |
Issue / Request |
Add an alert to the system to notify someone of an area fails an x number of audtis consistently. |
Resolution |
Created a new trigger called "Audit Failure Warning". To configure the new trigger, the user will need to define how many times the audit has to fail consistently in the last X days/weeks/months to trigger the warning. |
Ref. No. |
M-59468 |
Component |
Cleanliness Rating Report |
Issue / Request |
Client: " would be great if the document produced also had the expire date for the star rating added, rather than having to put it in manually. That way we can ensure that the format is the same, but also to make sure that we can guarantee that it has been put on, and therefore no areas are displaying any without these dates." |
Resolution |
Added a new report parameter, "Populate Expiry Date" checkbox. When the parameter is checked, this will calculate the Expiry Date based on the audit's signed off date and the risk level's "Days Between Monitoring" value. For example, if the audit is signed off on 01/10/2024 and the Area Risk Level's "Days Between Monitoring" value is set to 30 days, then the expiry date will be set to 31/10/2024. |
Ref. No. |
M-59836 |
Component |
Mobile Cleaning |
Issue / Request |
Client: "...when you press the audit you need on the handset it doesn't always download straight away, so you press it again after a little then downloads 2 or as many times you pressed it" |
Resolution |
The double-press on the audit group is causing the audit to be downloaded and stored twice on the mobile storage hence the reason why the app is displaying the same room twice on the list. The issue only occur when there's a slow network connection which delays the loading mask in the screen which allows the user to re-tap the audit from the list. We've resolved the issue by improving download procedure and by setting configurations in the store to stop the same audit from being saved twice in the device storage. |
Ref. No. |
M-60032 |
Component |
Cleaning Re-audit / Monitoring - Result Failures |
Issue / Request |
Copy the element & failure notes from the original audit to the re-audit record. |
Resolution |
- Added a new system parameter: Copy Element & Failure Notes From Original Audit to Re-audit (Yes/No) - Amended the cleaning re-audit creation process which now collects the notes of the element & failure details from the original audit and stores it in the re-audit elements' "Notes" box. |
Ref. No. |
M-59479 |
Component |
Table Maintenance > Overall Risk Levels |
Issue / Request |
Allow users to set the additional days to add on the Re-audit Date via the Risk Level. |
Resolution |
Added the "Re-audit Days" field in Table Maintenance > Overall Risk Levels. The "Reaudit Days" will be added to the original audit's sign off date and set the new value to the reaudit date. E.g. If the original audit is signed off on 01/10/2024 and "Re-audit Days" is set to 10 days, then the re-audit date will be set to 11/10/2024. |
Ref. No. |
M-59471 |
Component |
Performance Monitoring |
Issue / Request |
Client: "..The screengrabs below show two different views for a filter on X to show June and July scores. My first filter date range was from May 31st and I’d expect to see the June 27th audit but it’s missing unless I expand the filter to be from May 1st." |
Resolution |
Resolved the "month" column display in the view. |
Ref. No. |
S-59904 |
Component |
Mobile Cleaning |
Issue / Request |
Add an edit icon in the Mobile-Cleaning room list view. On tap, it will launch an edit window which will contain the following fields: Room Type, Hard Floor, Soft Floor, and Occupancy. The user will then be allowed to edit the room details - this will be controlled by a new security token. |
Resolution |
Added an "Edit" icon on the cleaning mobile's audit room list view. On tap, this will launch the room panel where users can edit the room details like room type, re-assign the room type elements, hard floor, soft floor, and occupancy value. The logged in user will require the new security permission to edit the room details via mobile. |
Ref. No. |
STC-59911 |
Component |
Element Failure Report |
Issue / Request |
Create a "Element Failure Report" which displays the audit element failure details and count the total element failure and their failure reason. |
Resolution |
Created a new "Element Failure Reason" report which displays the following information: 1 - "Data" table which displays the individual room element failure similar to the Monitoring - Result Failures grid. 2 - "Summary" table which counts the number of failure reason per functional area. 3 - "Fail Percent" table which displays the monthly failure % per element failure reason. 4 - "Total" table which displays the total failure % per element failure reason. |
Ref. No. |
STC-59910 |
Component |
Company and Contacts |
Issue / Request |
Add a mechanism to allow the users to capture the contrator rates per hour/day/week. |
Resolution |
Converted the "Contacts" tab to "Contacts & Rates" which now has a "Rates" grid inside the tab which allows the user to add, amend, and delete the company's hourly, daily, or weekly rates. |
Ref. No. |
M-60430 |
Component |
Physical Location / Organisation |
Issue / Request |
Allow users to edit the Location / Organisation code from the main application. |
Resolution |
Removed the restriction on the Location/Orgnaisation "Code" field which will now allow the user to amend the code after creation. |
Ref. No. |
M-60222 |
Component |
Report Gallery |
Issue / Request |
Allow for us to set / control which format (PDF / WORD / EXCEL / CSV) is available for each of the reports. |
Resolution |
Improved the Report Gallery download button configuration to only display the 'acceptable' formats for each of the fmfirst-cloud reports. |
Ref. No. |
M-59473 |
Component |
Survey - Automated Report Triggers |
Issue / Request |
Add a Score placeholder for the Survey module triggers. |
Resolution |
Created the following survey placeholders: @SURVEY_ID, @COMMITTED_DATE, @TEMPLATE_TITLE, and @SURVEY_TITLE. |
Ref. No. |
M-59476 |
Component |
Survey Lookup |
Issue / Request |
The lookup is not returning any survey data in the grid. |
Resolution |
The issue is caused by the download timeout due to the amount of committed survey records in the database. To speed up the query, we've added a "Committed Date From" filter in the Lookup to reduce the search results. |
Ref. No. |
S-60033 |
Component |
Asset Details / Task Helpdesk / Task Manual Feedback / Mobile Tasking |
Issue / Request |
Add the "Meter" equip type and subtypes in fmfist-cloud and create the Meter Reading tab in the Asset Details view as well as implement the ability to create tickets for meter readings. |
Resolution |
- Created a new "Meter" equip type for Asset as well as new subtypes e.g. Water, Oil, Petrol, Electricity, etc. - Created a new "Meter Readings" tab in the Asset Details view where users can view the asset's meter reading history as well as edit the meter reading configuration. - Created a new "Readings" tab in the Task Helpdesk and Task Manual Feedback view which lists the available assets in the ticket. The user can add/amend the meter reading for each of the asset/s in the ticket. The "Readings" tab has also been implemented in the Tasking mobile app. |
Ref. No. |
M-59847 |
Component |
Asset Details / Task Helpdesk / Task Manual Feedback / Mobile Tasking |
Issue / Request |
Add the Legionella equip type and subtypes in fmfist-cloud and create the Legionella Reading tab in the Asset Details view as well as implement the ability to create tickets for legionella readings. |
Resolution |
- Created a new "Legionella" equip type for Asset as well as new subtypes. - Created a new "Legionella Template" tab in the Asset Advanced Options tab for the extra reading configuration for each legionella subtypes. - Created a new "Legionella Readings" tab in the Asset Details view where users can view the asset's legionella reading history as well as edit the meter reading configuration. - Created a new "Readings" tab in the Task Helpdesk and Task Manual Feedback view which lists the available assets in the ticket. The user can add/amend the legionella reading for each of the asset/s in the ticket. The "Readings" tab has also been implemented in the Tasking mobile app. |
Ref. No. |
M-59926 |
Component |
Mobile Tasking |
Issue / Request |
Allow users to book resume travel time on the way back from the job before logging off the ticket. |
Resolution |
Added a "Return" button which appears after logging in to the ticket and before the "Log Off" button. On tap of the "Return" button, this will resume the travel time clock and record the time between the press of the "Return" button and stop on press of the "Log Off" button. |
Ref. No. |
M-60127 |
Component |
Mobile Tasking |
Issue / Request |
Add the same 'auto log off' feature that estates has. If a user forgets to log out, when they return to the device give them the option of rollign back the clock to the a give time on the day they log in, e.g 1600 on the friday afternoon as they didnt log off before the weekend |
Resolution |
- Added a "Basic Finish Time" field in the Staff Details view e.g. 17:00. - Amended the task "Log off" process in the mobile app, if the log off date/time exceeded the user's basic finish time, they will be given an option to rollback the date/time to their finish time. |
Ref. No. |
M-59486 |
Component |
Mobile Tasking |
Issue / Request |
Add a warning on the screen for outstanding element surveys on ticket completion. |
Resolution |
Amended the ticket log off process which will display an alert box if there's an outstanding element survey on the ticket. |
Ref. No. |
M-60129 |
Component |
Mobile Tasking |
Issue / Request |
Add a "Cancel Login" button on the Health & Safety assessment grid. |
Resolution |
Added a "Cancel" button on the H&S grid which closes the H&S box and effectively cancels the ticket login process. |
Ref. No. |
M-59918 |
Component |
Task Allocation View |
Issue / Request |
Allow users to multiselect the tickets on the Task Allocation view. |
Resolution |
Enabled the multiselect feature in the Ticket List so users can allocate multiple tickets to a staff. |
Ref. No. |
M-60131 |
Component |
Task Helpdesk |
Issue / Request |
Review the ticket creation process and check if we can speed up the process in any way. |
Resolution |
Reviewed the ticket creation process and improved some of the techniques used in the code to help speed-up the process. |
Ref. No. |
M-60343 |
Component |
Task Helpdesk |
Issue / Request |
Add a new button to the helpdesk that will fire a task list, filtered by the location to show the last 12 months job list. |
Resolution |
Added a "Load Ticket History" option in the Task Helpdesk "Action" button menu. On click, this will apply the template, schedule, asset, category, location, and/or organisation filter in the Ticket List view and load the results. |
Ref. No. |
M-59472 |
Component |
Task Ticket List |
Issue / Request |
Add a "Prev. Ticket ID" filter in the Task Ticket List for finding all the remedial work for a specific ticket. |
Resolution |
Added a "Prev Ticket ID" filter in the "Other Details" filter form. The users can use this field to find all the remedial tickets for a specific task. |
Ref. No. |
M-60001 |
Component |
Task Schedule Dashboard |
Issue / Request |
Client has reported that if you click the "Overdue" cell from the Task Schedule Dashboard, this loads the Ticket List view but doesn't return any data. However, if they press the "Apply Filter" button, the data loads in the list view. |
Resolution |
Fixed the drilldown on the "Overdue" status which now loads the result on the Ticket List on single-click. |
Ref. No. |
S-60349 |
Component |
Task Schedules |
Issue / Request |
Implement the schedule frequency superseding in fmfirst-cloud. |
Resolution |
Amended the schedule projection calculation process to skip the lower frequency (e.g. 1M) if it lands on the same date as the higher frequency (e.g. 3M) unless the "Always Generate" flag is activated on the lower frequency. |
Ref. No. |
M-59865 |
Component |
Tasking - Remedial Ticket |
Issue / Request |
Add notes in the existing remedial ticket if there's already an outstanding remedial instead of creating a new ticket. |
Resolution |
Improved the remedial ticket creation process. The process checks if there's an outstanding remedial ticket with the same template, asset, category, location, and/or organisation, then skip the ticket creation process and just add a note in the existing remedial ticket to indicate that another task has been completed with the same issue. |
Ref. No. |
M-60130 |
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